Bio 3D printing: importance today


  • Cesar Loo Gil Research Scientist at BioFab Inc, and at the IDEOs Scientific Research & Production Center, Lima - Peru



3d print, medical devices, biomateriales


Organ and tissue transplantation to offer a solution to wounds and deficiencies is an inconvenience that should be attempted urgently, since there are still problems in the process, such as the shortage of donors and the danger caused by immunological rejection. The implementation of artificial organs and tissues indicates a better quality of life in patients, however, it is necessary for a manufacturing technique that enables the development of complicated constructions. The 3D printing technique solves the recent restrictions in the development of organs and tissues, because it makes it possible to integrate cells into biomaterials for the regeneration of different biological constructions. This review summarizes the most important studies and advances in the development of implants, prosthetics and tissue engineering through 3D printing, it introduces the various biomaterials used in additive manufacturing, as well as the multiple printing techniques used in biomedical applications.


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How to Cite

Cesar Loo Gil. (2022). Bio 3D printing: importance today. Journal BioFab, 1(1), 1–35.