About the Journal

Journal BioFab is a scientific journal born from the company BioFab Inc incorporated in the USA and BioFab SAC incorporated in Peru. Which are dedicated to the extraction of stem cells from the umbilical cord and dental pulp in order to create cartilage, tissues and organs,

Journal BioFab is in charge of disseminating the results of basic and applied research carried out by researchers from BioFab Inc and BioFab Sac in the field of cryopreservation, stem cells and biological printing. It also opens its doors to different researchers, university professors, doctoral candidates and students to publish their research in the field of medicine, medical technology and everything related to health sciences.


  • Develop a platform for the Bi-Monthly publication of scientific findings from the knowledge of medical sciences. Especially articles related to new medical findings.
  • Make the scientific-academic community aware of the recent discoveries of new medical technologies through scientific articles
    Make medical research articles available to the scientific academic community.


  • It contemplates research in the medical sciences, created by humans since their appearance, presented under the modality of original and review articles, brief research reports, as well as reflections and experiences, evaluated under the double-blind modality.
  • Create a collective conscience in the inhabitants of the world to place technology at the service of humans
    Create a scientific academic community based on new medical findings.
  • Finally, the article is published in the number corresponding to the one that is structured according to current and pertinent topics. That is why the article proposal is entered into our system responding to the parameters established by the Editorial Committee.